Tess Said So is the creative partnership of musicians Rasa Daukus and Will Larsen. Adopting a pop sensibility to a classical format, Rasa and Will write and perform all their own material, influenced by a shared interest in new music and blurring the lines that define musical genre, infusing their sound with pop, jazz, ambience, minimalism, and electronica.
In 2014 Tess Said So released their debut album I Did That Tomorrow with contemporary classical European record label Preserved Sound to critical acclaim. Their follow-up Scramble + Fate was released in 2016. While both albums achieved recognition in the Top Ten Modern Classical Albums (of 2014 and 2016) from Stationary Travels, Scramble + Fate notably disrupted the classical set as a featured release in American magazine JAZZIZ, the largest jazz publication in the world.
In 2017 they won Best Interactive, Film & Digital at the Adelaide Fringe Festival for their live soundtrack performance to the 1922 silent film, Nosferatu - A Symphony of Horror.